Pattern Class Showcase part 3 – Module 1 {Aug 2013 class)

We are really pleased to showcase more of the beautiful work from our very talented Module 1 students of ‘The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design (the e-course) who took the course in August 2013. Here are more of our fantastic students & the work they have created over the 5 weeks in class.

Lucy-Davey-Celebration“I’ve very much enjoyed module one, it’s motivated me to loosen up and get newly inspired. I’ve loved hearing about the experiences of established surface designers and bloggers and the parts on colour have been especially useful for me too!” – Lucy Davey

Karene Wedekind - Citrus Delight

“Formulating a personal visual identity and signature style, through the use of mood boards, colour experience and personal mark-making was the most powerful element of the course for me. The course in its entirety gave my creativity new bubble.” – Karené Wedekind


“Before starting the course I was not very confident with my designs and within my ‘style.’ However, the course leads you through step by step and is really enjoyable. I have got so much out of it regarding my confidence levels, and have met some lovely people along the way.” – Ceris Butterworth


“For me, the most powerful element of the course is Rachel’s ability to transmit confidence and enthusiasm through her teaching methods. Another powerful element was the opportunity to meet and connect with many other artists who like me, have found a calling and the opportunity to do what we love for life.” – Liz Perez

Melanie Ann Ridgeway- Hifalutin Birds“Learning how to use Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and having help from my fellow class mates. I can design and construct my concepts quicker.” – Melanie Ann Juliette Ridgeway (Melanie Ann Designs)


“Everything around me inspire me right now and I see designing opportunities everywhere! My designing skills have really improved!” – Saskia van Cleef-Megens


“Module 1 has reminded me to trust my intuition and value everything that is created, as there are no mistakes! It has reignited my love of art, trying ideas without fear and drawing from life in a free, expressive way!” – Jelirad


“Taking this course not only inspired me to experiment with line, color and form as an artist, but also opened my eyes to the technical side of surface pattern design that was completely missing from my approach to designing for products before. With this knowledge and deeper understanding of how to create different types of patterns, I am more confident now and have a better idea of the direction I want to go with my career.” – Carrie Schmitt

“Most of all, this course has allowed me to be more honest with myself about my work, the drawing isn’t my thing and I really enjoyed it.” – Aurélie Dussossoy


“From the very first day I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it incredibly motivating, Im drawing more than I ever have before and really enjoying the increased inspiration which has spread to all areas of my work.” – Becky Haywood

Sandra Hill_Zidaka Flowers

“I have loved this first module. The two best things about the course was the “getting back to basics” and the freedom to just play and experiment with ideas & techniques. The second was the incredible support of the facebook group!” – Sandra Hill


If you are interested in ‘The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design e-course’, we are thrilled to announce we are starting a lovely new series of classes starting on 24 March 2014 with module 1. We are also running another module 3 class and our brand new module 4 class this month too! Registration for all classes is open here.

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