4 DAYS UNTIL MODULE 1 STARTS – what do students say when the module ends?

We’re on the OFFICIAL 10 DAY COUNTDOWN to the start of Module 1: Designing your way

On February 1, 2016 we’ll welcome students from around the globe for 5 weeks of design fun, to build a supportive community of new friends and show YOU just what the surface pattern design industry can offer!
MIID_M1_4DAYSTOGO_550PX_LRWe asked students who took Module 1 in September 2015 once it had finished to share their thoughts about Module 1: Designing your way.

Here are some of their answers:

Everybody who knows me has seen a massive difference since I have started this course. I have started to believe in my artwork again, having had a block for so many years. – Carol H

I so don’t want it to end! I’ve enjoyed all the exercises and information. I’m really ‘looking’ at colour now and noticing more around me! A brilliant inspirational course :) Louise B

After years of designing in a corporate world, its changed the way that I approach my work and I feel really excited about the possibilities. – Drew L


I feel that signing up to this course is the best career decision I have made and has encouraged myself and everyone on the course that we have the potential to be great surface pattern designers. I cannot wait to start modules 2 and 3! – Hannah S

It has been a jam packed five weeks and a huge learning curve for me. I’m so pleased I signed up and I got more out of the course than I expected. – Jacqui M

I’m not afraid anymore to showcase my work. I’m not afraid to jump into the world of surface pattern design. I have “my new family”. , and I feel very happy about it. – Clara D

I really think this course will help me make my dream come true. One day I will be a Surface Pattern Designer! – Natalia C

Module 1: Designing your way starts on February 1, 2016. Read what this module has to offer, check out the brochure, 50 top reasons to join us, bonus video technical workshops and more on the main Module 1 course page.

It’s ideal for anyone interested in a future career as a surface pattern designer, those looking to refresh their design skills or simply rediscover their creative passion.

Module 1 is the first of 4 acclaimed modules that comprise The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design course.

If you have any questions, check out the FAQ page too (links on the top right of the module page) and if you can’t find the answer to your question, email [email protected] and we’d be more than happy to help!

Hope to see you soon!

Head back to our 5 days to go post
Move on to our 3 days to go post!

Module 1

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