An art exhibition in a very unlikely place!

This is why I love living in Bristol…. by Lisa Moncrieff

Best known as the home of street artist legend Banksy, the Aardman animation studio where award-winning Wallace and Gromit originate and music legends Massive Attack to name just a few, Bristol plays host to a thriving and diverse art scene.

So it was absolutely no surprise when I randomly stumbled across this fab little art exhibition in the middle of town in a very unlikely building!

The Art Gallery sign pointed to a disused Edwardian toilet. Peeking my head round the corner, wondering what I was going to find, I was greeted by the beautiful sound of music from George Legg of Quantocks, and the smiling faces of Abigail and Sam of ‘In the bear pit‘, exhibition curators and artists sharing inspiration from Bristol who welcomed me in.



They encouraged us to take part in their Sketch Crawl and my two year old Rosie contributed a lovely ink drawing which later featured on their Instgram feed!


Rosies pic


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Where’s the weirdest place you’ve seen or held an art exhibition? Can you think of any spaces near to where you live that could be used as an exhibition space?


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