Get involved! #7dayfloralschallenge

FREE 7 Day Floral Drawing Challenge over on @makeitindesign!

This week we’re taking a look at seven different florals as we encourage our community to explore nature in a creative way.

At Make it in Design we want to help you nurture your creativity and bring together an amazing community of imaginators, innovators and creators. So get your drawing tools, brushes, inks and paints ready for some creative time together!

The challenge has already begun, but there’s still time to join the fun! To take part look out for a new floral prompt each and every day on @makeitindesign (over on Instagram).

#makeitindesign #7dayfloralschallenge

MIID 7DAYFLORALSCHALLENGE 3 2 Get involved! #7dayfloralschallenge
Screenshot 2021 04 07 at 17.19.07 Get involved! #7dayfloralschallenge
Screenshot 2021 04 07 at 17.20.19 Get involved! #7dayfloralschallenge

We’ll see you there!

The Make it in Design team