WEBINAR PLAYBACK: Creatively flourish this summer!

Join our expert Trends Consultant Victoria Brawn of Porter & Brawn and Vic from team Make it in Design as they provide top tips on how to make sure your creativity flourishes this summer.


  1. Getting snapping away. Whether you are taking a break or a staycation document everything around you. You never know when you might see an inspiring colour palette, texture or motif print idea.
  2. Get doodling. Just five minutes a day will do wonders for your mind and will build up a reference source that you can keep going back to again and again.
  3. Repurpose an existing design. Whether you re-colour it or take a segment and change/ add to it’s a really great exercise to do.
  4. Create a playlist to design to. We’ve just this week had guest tutor Gail Myerscough from the Live Hub who is a big music fan. She created a playlist for our latest trend Westerncore – so why not do the same.
  5. Design/ pattern generator. So write down some subjects, animals, colours, activities etc and pop them in some boxes or envelopes and do a lucky dip. Then get designing.

This stream is in celebration of Summer Design School 2023! We have tracks to suit whatever level you’re at, whether you’re just starting out, or a professional designer, we’ve got you covered starting from just £25.

Class runs live for 4 weeks from July 31 – August 25, 2023. Victoria Brawn of Porter & Brawn features as a guest tutor in The Master Series and The Live Hub and supplies the trends for both Summer and Winter design schools.