Printsource and Rachael Taylor August 2015


Location: Metropolitan Pavilion, 125 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
Date: August 11 & 12, 2015

Surface Pattern Designer and Illustrator Rachael Taylor is excited to be speaking at Printsource New York

Rachael is thrilled to be joining the speaker line-up at Printsource New York this August. She’ll be taking to the stage at 4:30 each day, joining the likes of Pantone and Trendstop in The Future Cafe, where all the colour and trend seminars will take place.

Unlike all of the other seminars each day, Rachael’s presentation is FREE TO ATTEND so don’t miss this opportunity to meet Rachael (and Vic from the Make it in Design team) and learn all about what it takes to make it as a surface pattern designer.

She will be delivering two presentations titled: “The rise of surface pattern design” on Tuesday Aug 11 and “Blazing a new trail in surface pattern design” on Wednesday August 12.


Visit the Printsource website for further details about the seminar program and the show.

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