Summer Design School 2024 – first trends revealed!

This week we’re welcoming doodlers, artists, designers, illustrators and more from around the world for four weeks of creativity and friendship. In our Summer Design School you will discover new ways to approach your art with our design briefs, explore trends in a deeper way and be encouraged each step by our fantastic community!

Here are the first trends our Summer Schoolers are working with:

  • Beginner Trackers – are exploring ISLAND ODYSSEY
  • Intermediate Trackers – are delving into LUSH PARADISE
  • Advanced Trackers – are experiencing COASTAL DREAMS

Classrooms are OPEN NOW but it’s NOT TOO LATE for you to join us and find your own Summer inspiration! Submission deadlines aren’t until September 16th, so there’s still plenty of time to catch up and join in the fun! Each track comes with two beautifully presented trend briefs, based on the hottest future Spring/Summer trends, two fun creative challenges, a whole host of creative downloads for your portfolio and the chance to win amazing career enhancing prizes! Each track comes with two beautifully presented trend briefs, based on the hottest future Spring/Summer trends, two fun creative challenges, a whole host of creative downloads for your portfolio and the chance to win amazing career enhancing prizes!