Win exclusive prizes in Winter Design School 2023!

There are always lots of fab prizes up for grabs in our Winter Design School, from winning a free place on one of our ground-breaking online design courses, to free membership for our creative community The Live Hub! We also work with amazing partners to bring you career enhancing prizes.

The first of these fabulous partners is Fashion Formula, one of the leading digital printers in the UK for quality and sustainability. Submitting your work during Winter School means you could in with a chance of seeing your designs come to life on their gorgeous fabrics!


The second of these wonderful partners is Blue Print, a surface design and print show showcasing artists to buyers around the world. Blue Print are offering a career boosting prize of a virtual ‘booth’ at their May show (2-3-4 May 2023) PLUS an invaluable 1 hour Zoom mentor session to help prepare you for exhibiting!