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We’re so very excited and proud 🎉😊 to see many of our Make it in Design Live Hub members work displayed on the Adobe Design To Print booth (featuring Adobe Textile Designer*) at Adobe MAX in Los Angeles!

20 of our members designs were hand-picked for the stand and turned into stunning tote bags! 👏

In our membership club The Make it in Design Live Hub we have partnered with Adobe Textile Designer* who regularly provide EXCLUSIVE video demonstrations with the software and have twice now collaborated with our members to get their work shown at Adobe events.


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GREAT NEWS! Registration is currently open for the Live Hub but hurry, doors close again Nov 14th! Join our wonderful community TODAY.

🖥 www.makeitindesign.com/livehub/

*Adobe Textile Designer is a free Photoshop plug-in provided in the Live Hub that is currently being beta tested by Adobe

#makeitindesign #miidlivehub #adobetextiledesigner

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