New Designers 2023 Spotlight – Lauryn Hood


Back in June our Co-founder Rachael Taylor had the honour of representing Make it in Design at New Designers in Islington, London as a guest judge.

Whilst at the show Rachael selected designers she wanted to shine a spotlight on, so today we meet Lauryn…



What university did you attend and what degree?

I’m Lauryn, a recent graduate from Heriot Watt University. I studied Design for Textiles, specialising in print at the Scottish Borders School of Textiles and Design campus.


Tell us a little about how you got started in design

I have always loved being creative and am interested in anything art related! Attending University open days whilst at school, I found I was always most attracted to the fashion events and the textiles in particular were most exciting to me.



Can you tell us a little bit about how you create a design? Where do you get inspiration from?

When designing I always love to take inspiration for drawing and creating from my own life. This includes photos taken travelling, everyday objects and even my favourite things such as my dog! Searching for new colour combinations and pallets within my surroundings and photos can also be a really interesting starting point to spark ideas. If feel working in this way always leads me to create more unique and interesting illustrations and prints.


What brings you joy?

Turning the pictures I take of people or places into illustrations in my own style and with my own colours always brings me a lot of joy. Finishing a design and seeing it sketched out as a visualisation or even printed onto fabric or a garment is really exciting as a designer!



Which is your favourite market(s) to design for and why?

I have always been most interested in designing for womenswear as I have a background in sewing, however, more recently I have been really drawn to accessories and children’s wear as I think this fits well into my fun illustrative style. I just really love designing for all areas and seeing how I can fit my style into different markets to be honest!


What’s your dream design gig?

My dream as a designer is to first work in a studio as part of a design team. Once I have gained more experience within the industry I would also be interested to move into freelance work as there is just so many exciting brands I would love to work and collaborate with.


What are some recent design successes or achievements that you’re proud of?

My most recent achievement within textiles was attending New Designers with my final year collection, Sunday Girl. This was a great opportunity to make connections within the industry and chat with other designers. Whilst at New Designers I was also given a Top 10 to watch by AVA so I am looking forward to attending a course with them to progress my existing CAD skills. One of my printed designs from this collection also won a prize in the Bradford Textiles Competition under The Worshipful Company of Dyers Award for a printed textile design for fashion which was really exciting to receive.



Best tip/advice for those new to design

I still feel very new to design myself, but I think I used to panic a lot about trying to find my own style so I would say to anyone who feels the same to keep drawing and you will get there! It is always really exciting to develop your own design handwriting and find what suits you and your work.


How do you stay motivated?

Drawing and designing is my favourite thing so I always look forward to new projects, briefs and collection ideas which makes it easy to stay motivated and enthusiastic about what I do. Constantly drawing and looking to new places for inspiration and ideas is also very motivating for coming up with and creating designs.



Find out more about Lauryn here: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn

Did you exhibit at New Designers 2023? Get in touch via [email protected] as we have a special discount just for you!