Portfolio Review: Deb Richmond

Did you know that each month in our Live Hub you get the chance to have your design work reviewed by experts? With kind permission from Deb Richmond, here is a small clip from one of these sessions.
On being part of the Live Hub Deb said:
“The feedback sessions are always so valuable even if your own work isn’t covered as there are such great takeaways and suggestions that we can then translate into our own work. The diverse results we all have amaze me yet we are all working to the same brief, everyone is encouraged to find their own style.
To received feedback on my own project for this was so helpful and a huge boost to my confidence, especially to feel I am heading in the right direction and with the suggestions of how to expand my range of designs even further. It was a project I really enjoyed doing and a product area that I hadn’t ever considered previously. Working with different product areas broadens our scope and makes us venture out of our usual comfort zones as well as finding new mockups and ways to present out work.
I love the structure of the Live Hub with the introductory videos on trends and the detailed design briefs, they provide so many opportunities to grow our portfolios and develop our skills. It’s a very supportive environment to be in, both with the MIID team and our peers”.
Would you love to receive professional advice and feedback on your design work everything month? Join The Live Hub today and never go without creative support and encouragement again!

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