Pattern design Showcase Part 2 – Module 1 (Feb 2016 Class)

Here at Make it in Design we are on the countdown to the start of a new term of classes which commence September 26, 2016 with Module 1: Designing Your Way and Module 3: Monetising your designs. Today we are excited to bring you part 2 of our 3-part showcase of the beautiful work from our very talented Module 1 students of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design who took the course in February 2016. Here are some of our wonderful students and the work they have created over the 5 weeks in class.

24.Kate McCarthy - Euphorbia

Kate McCarthy | Website

“This course has played a vital role in helping me understand the potential in surface pattern design. In particular the strong emphasis on where to find inspiration and ways to express it (getting back to your sketchbook where the magic really happens!) has been an invaluable and fun journey, setting me on the path to finding my own design style”.


Natalie Couto |

“There are so many incredible elements to this course and I find it quite difficult to pick just one to rave about! I think I would  have to say the most powerful element of the course was the curriculum itself – I really appreciated the pace of how the material was presented each week, the balance of theory and creative exercises, all the interviews and brilliant bonus technical workshops! The way in which the curriculum was designed really helped me refine my own creative process and design work. It can be easy to get stuck doing things the same way but now I plan my week to include key elements of the curriculum and I dedicate time for mark-making/sketching, gathering inspiration, improving tech and business skills and networking”.

26.Rachel McIsaac App Square

Rachel McIsaac |

“My New Years Resolution for 2016 was to have my own design studio/brand. Module 1 has put me right on track to achieve that goal”.


Shelley Schmidt | Website

“The ABSPD Module 1 course has been so beneficial to me because it has allowed me to go back to the basics that I had forgotten in addition to learning new skills that have strengthened my work. The Module 1 Facebook course community was also an amazing resource! Because of this course, I feel like I have finally found my own unique style as a designer”.


Janet Hild | Website

“I have been a textile designer for one niche market for a very long time.  This class has helped to understand how I can be a part of a larger community by embracing the skills I have and directing them in different ways.  The information is given in such a spirit of generosity.  It is a pleasure to log in everyday to see what fun inspiration has been loaded into the posts”.


Julia Goddard |

“I have found the course to be incredibly inspiring and motivating and has encouraged me to follow my dreams”.


Jung In Wang | Website

“Module 1 has helped me not only in improving my technical skills in creating repeats but also how to develop ideas further and execute my sketches into fully developed pattern. Now I have more confidence in developing my own style and is eager to learn more about the creative world of surface pattern!”


Maria Kosinova |
“The most powerful element of the course for me was layering. I think it was extremely useful to put physically different elements together and to see how the hole picture changes. I also enjoyed the BTWs workshops. Although I thought that I was a Photoshop profi (haha) I discovered many new useful tools. I still need to learn deeper Illustrator though. Every-week interviews with real designers were pleasant and helpful. it is important to get to know the industry and to see how real people plan their work”.


Michelle Price | Website

“This Module came at a very important time for me. I just graduated with a graphic design degree after many years of owning a bakery and being a stay at home Mother. Module 1 kept me in the design  mindset and really filled in a lot of information that I felt I was missing. Surface Pattern Design was barely touched upon in school and it’s really where my heart lives. Thanks to Rachel and everyone else from the class I really feel motivated to keep working towards my goals”.


Roxane Butterworth |Website

“I have found the course gave me the structure to help me focus my time, reminded me the importance of frequent sketching, painting and mark making  to initiate designs and also the confidence to discover and follow my own style as a designer.  I  hope to continue to do this in the next module”.


Claire Elsworth |Instagram

“I have lived and breathed this course and loved single every minute of it! The most powerful element for me has been learning technical skills to digitise my designs. I was a complete newbie who barely knew her way around a Mac keyboard and it has been a vertical learning curve however I have worked my socks off and am astounded at what I have achieved in only 5 weeks.
As a designer (at the beginning of my journey), this course has helped me develop a confidence in my evolving style, given me insight into how the industry works and opened up an exciting world of endless creative possibilities. I now feel my goals are achievable”.


Amanda Callcott |Instagram

“Going back to basics and exploring mark-making and sketching was the most powerful element of Module 1 for me.  Moving out of my digital design comfort zone and being reminded that doodling isn’t wasting time but an integral part of the design process was something I will take with me into my surface design future”.


Arwen Edsall | Website

“The ABSPD Module 1 was really helpful in getting me to sketch more, find inspiration all around me, and better select colors for my designs. Everything about the course was helpful”.


Faye Johnson |Pinterest

“I have really enjoyed the course as it is very easy to follow, packed full of inspiration and the technical workshops are simple and focussed. I particularly appreciate the flexible structure as it means I can complete the assignments in my own time. I will definitely be signing up for the next 2 modules”.


Fiona Meakin |Website

“For me the most powerful element has been the brilliant technical information and videos delivered by Rachael Taylor, that have helped me to unlock the potential of my illustrations. My work is primarily character based and now I can work on creating repeats for surface design”.


Jacqueline Kok | Website

“Thank you so much for this course, I Iearned a lot about making patterns and using Photoshop and Illustrator.
The most important thing I learned from ABSPD Module is to find ideas and inspiration in everything and in a lot of new ways. Rachael gave a lot of tips for this and that is very valuable to me as a designer”.


Joanne Paynter | Website

“The most powerful element of this course for me was bringing me off the computer and back to basics.

It reminded me of how much I loved to paint and the mark making exercise and free hand stitching were some of my favorites.

I chose this pattern as it includes art I created in the mark making exercise as well as free hand stitching using my sewing machine”.

41.Juliet James - Manic Magnolia

Juliet James | Website

“The most powerful element of Module 1 for me has been the opportunity to share my work online with a community of like-minded creative individuals. The course was inspirational in its encouragement to see pattern everywhere and to collect inspiring images. It really helped me to flood my brain with ideas and encouraged the creative juices to start to flow”.

42.Keisha Okafor - Celebration

Keisha Okafor | Website

“This course had a lot of creative exercises that got me out of my comfort zone and gave me the confidence to fearlessly create in my own special way”.


Megan Carter | Instagram

“Module 1 has helped me to re-emerge and to re-discover my ability to study, draw and design. It has given me some fantastic tools to help me move forward in my career as a surface pattern designer. It has been a breath of fresh air”.


Miss Chiff Designs | Anne Schuster | Website

“I loved the whole course but really loved the interviews with real designers who were actually doing and living SPD. It was really helpful to hear their stories and learn of their paths into the field”.

45.Sunita Palam -Flutter Away

Sunita Palam | Instagram

“ABSPD module 1 really shaped my creative thinking process with the numerous exercises and I’m really happy that it made me start doodling again which I realised plays a major role in designing. It also really made me discover my true style! Thank you for that”.


Susanne Kasielke | Website

“Even if I wouldn’t consider myself a total beginner, I very much enjoyed starting from scratch and letting go of old and self-made structures. The course showed me how important it is, to free your mind and open yourself up to new and different techniques and exercises to stay inspired and create exciting pieces of art”.


The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design is the definitive guide to becoming a surface pattern design professional.If you have ever dreamed of seeing your designs on stationery, homewares, fabric or other products, this series of interactive online courses is for you! Thriving surface pattern designer Rachael Taylor will guide you along this exciting path from developing your signature style, to putting a collection together, and from protecting your work to monetising your designs. With a rich combination of design inspiration, practical advice, demonstrations, creative exercises, resources and interviews with leading industry practitioners, this is the go-to guide for anyone wanting to develop their design skills and break into the industry. Our next classes begin September 26, 2016 – we hope to be able to welcome you to class!

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