Behind the scenes of making a creative book

It’s exciting times for our Co-Founder Rachael Taylor as she has just finished the first layouts for her new book POWER UP YOUR CREATIVITY!

“Soooo much work goes into getting a book out in the world. I have big respect for all the Authors out there! On this project I’m not only responsible for the words but design & art direction too (with fab help of course). So from the paragraphs to every single image, illustrations & cover art, my little studio has done it all. Hope that you will all love #powerupyourcreativity!”



Images from behind the scenes of another fantastic shoot with @hollyboothstudio (just iPhone pics)

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Lots of FREE creative goodies are soon on the way for those who pre-order! This will include a dedicated community group, live streams & Q&A’s, discounts from my creative friends & so much more! Stay tuned.