CREATIVE TIP OF THE WEEK: How to make shaped type in Adobe Illustrator

CREATIVE TIP OF THE WEEK – How to make shaped type in Adobe Illustrator.

Ever wondered how to make your text rounded, rectangular or precisely fit around a shape? Check out our tutorial and instructions below to see how!



  1. Create your shapes
  2. Go to the toolbar, select click down on the Type Tool and click the Type on a Path Tool.
  3. Now click on your shape and add your type.
  4. Choose the size and font style.
  5. When you click on your text there will two straight anchor points. The outer line can be dragged to where you want the text to begin. The inner line can be dragged to move your text to any point in that boundary.
  6. Experiment with different shapes and see what you can create.
  7. It’s worth noting that adding type to a path will remove colour from the fill and stroke. You will need add an additional shape if that is part of your design.

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