FREE Top Tips + Master Procreate this June

Our recent live session with Live Hub expert tutor Sonja Morris was jam packed full of tips and tricks for exploring Procreate! So, in case you missed it, we’ve summarised below her 5 top tips for to make the most of your creative journey. (Keep scrolling to watch the full playback!) We do hope that these tips really help you discover a new creative joy and fresh techniques to make your work pop even more!

TIP 1:

Set yourself realistic mini drawing projects. You’ll be amazed what you can do in short interims such as 30 minutes whilst dinner is cooking or you’re waiting for a small child to finish their ballet class. Stuck for subject ideas? Look around you – draw what you see whether it’s out in nature or the utensils in your kitchen. Try it!

TIP 2:

Enjoy your journey – the ups and downs as they are all pieces of the puzzle. Sonja has had a varied career from photography to investment banking and sees the value in each and every experience.

Sonja says: “You’re going to be shocked when you look back and say, wow, that really helped me to develop a skill that I didn’t think I was going to need or use. Everything makes you who you’re going to be”.

TIP 3:

Never compare yourself to anybody else. Our Make it in Design community is so amazing, because each member can grow at their own pace, everybody is welcome and there is a place for us all!

TIP 4:

Creative block happens to us all – so be prepared and build up a bank of handmade and/ or digital textures, motifs and icons so that you have your own personal archive to dip in and out of.

TIP 5:

Do make mistakes – it’s a really powerful way to learn! Remember that golden rule – never throw anything away!

June is heating up to be a sizzling month of content in The Make it in Design Live Hub! We are really excited to introduce a full tutorial from Sonja on how to use and design in Procreate like a PRO with tips to create GORGEOUS abstract designs. And from only £22 per month (or less with our offers) you too can join the fun!

Here’s what you can expect:

VIDEO CONTENT + CREATIVE CHALLENGE: Delve into learning Procreate! PLUS another great creative challenge to test your skills!

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Our interview series continues with Australia based Ariane Nijssen and her gorgeous paper cut based surface pattern design techniques.

COLOUR SPOTLIGHT: An EXCLUSIVE on-trend, colour spotlight just for YOU, which will inspire you to kick start a new collection of work this month.

TREND REPORTS: Gorgeous trend reports curated by experts Porter & Brawn to help give your portfolio that commercial edge.

FACEBOOK LIVE: Exclusive live for Hub members where we often spotlight our member of the month and do fun colour challenges!

PLUS: Get access to at least 6 months of previous creative content which has covered everything from floral art to childrenswear and from designing to live briefs to honing your Adobe skills PLUS access to our exclusive vault of invaluable downloadable resources!

We don’t overwhelm you with too much content and give you just enough to keep you inspired and motivated each month. There is no contract and membership can be cancelled at any time with our hassle-free approach, but we know you will want to stick around for the next exciting month as well as for our amazing community.

HOWEVER, doors are only open for a limited time so hop right in now!


If you missed the full recent live session then DON’T WORRY – you can watch it in full again below!

Watch Replay on Facebook

Watch Replay on Vimeo



Get ready for FREE trend resources, insights and a fun GIVEAWAY!