Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

Imogen Joy Illustration talks about her very special experience taking our most advanced online course The Ultimate Portfolio Builder:

“It truly helped me to consolidate and hone my style and direction in Surface Pattern Design. The course was absolutely packed with incredible content from beginning to end, all designed to help you step outside your comfort zone, and find your unique voice, through a process of experimentation.

It really taught me that as artists, we cannot simply expect to develop a style without putting in the drawing hours. It is through the process of observation and sketching that we inevitably build the confidence and muscle memory to eventually stylise and find our voice.

Working to briefs for actual companies with ‘real’ deadlines was almost like having an apprenticeship in your own home! I feel this really prepared me well for the reality of working to tight deadlines and more specific criteria and strangely, I quite enjoyed having the pressure valve pushed!

There is just so much more to effuse about this course and its value in really preparing you for launching into a surface pattern design career, I could write for hours! […] Thank you to @rachaeltaylor_ and her incredible support team at Make it in Design. They have helped countless designers break into making a living from doing what they love”

MIID REGISTER NOW 1700PX HR Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9295 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9294 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9278 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9292 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9286 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy

IMG 9289 Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy


Would you like to step up your creative career and portfolio to the next level? Then join us for The Ultimate Portfolio Builder! Class goes LIVE SEPTEMBER 14TH and runs for seven exciting weeks of creativity, experimentation and exploring how far you can take your portfolio. Find out more and register HERE.

MIID REGISTER NOW 1700PX HR Graduate Spotlight! Imogen Joy