Rachael Taylor is award-winning!


Our Co-founder Rachael Taylor is award-winning!

From @rachaeltstudio: “It’s such an odd feeling to be able to say that! Recently Rachael won the Most Renowned Art Director Award at the 2022 UK Enterprise Awards. You can read the full interview here on page 84.

Want to know the crazy thing? Rachael started the year planning to manifest more art direction work. It does truly go to show how powerful saying the things you want out loud & putting them out into the world can be.

Rachael has written a lot about the power of manifestation in her new book Power Up Your Creativity – available for pre-order now.

It really is as simple as if you believe it, you can achieve it. If you don’t put these things out there, that’s saying that you don’t believe it in enough. It’s when we truly believe that we can achieve our goals.

We know it can be hard to have the confidence to say it but right now I want you to try. Put down your phone, step away from your computer & say the thing that you really want to happen OUT LOUD. There. You’ve put it out there. Now you can make steps towards actually making it happen.

Believe in yourself, just as much as we believe in you. Amazing things really do happen.”