Top tips to avoid festive overwhelm, from our co-founder Beth Kempton

We have all had so much thrown at us in 2020 and it has been a tough year for many creatives. Here is our co-founder Beth Kempton (who also happens to have written a wonderful book called Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year: A little book of festive joy) with some tips for avoiding festive overwhelm this year.

Set an intention for Christmas, and make your plans in line with that.
So much has changed this year, it is the perfect excuse not to do Christmas the way you have always done it – at least not the parts that don’t work for you. Taking a moment to get intentional about what really matters can transform your holiday season from one of stress and resentment to one of calm and joy. Given the kind of year you have had, and the circumstances of your life right now, what kind of Christmas do you want and need this year?

Embrace the simple things
Simplicity is the key for calm in winter. Think about how you can embrace the idea of less in a way that feels like more. Streamline and simplify each part of Christmas, and let go of some of your commitments as winter moves in. A few tweaks in each area of your life can add up to a huge difference in your overall stress levels at Christmas.

Remember that Christmas is a season, not a single day
If you are able to gather or participate in any events this year, consider spreading them out and building recovery time in between each one. If you are participating in any holiday sales or shows, plan backwards and add in some buffer days for your preparations. Spreading Christmas out from November to early January really takes the pressure off.

Focus on one special thing
This year, consider this: If you could only do one thing to make Christmas special for those you love this year, what would it be? Do that brilliantly, and be relaxed about the rest, and you’ll make some wonderful new memories this year.

Remember to nourish yourself, too
Imagine the difference it would make to your festive season, and to how you feel in January, if you were to usher yourself through December with care, allowing plenty of time for rest, reflection and delight. There are many simple but effective ways of doing this including keeping up regular routines, like your weekly Zoom yoga class, or your Sunday afternoon walk, writing in a journal in the morning, sipping camomile tea before bed. Batch-cook healthy meals, freezing some so you have good food available anytime. Create some time to sketch just because you love to, not because it’s going to lead to paid work. Have fun and enjoy the beautiful season that is upon us.

Focus on individual connections
Extended family gatherings are unlikely to be the same as previous years. Why not use this opportunity to focus on spending individual time with each person who matters most to you. You can use this sacred time to do something simple but special that will enable you to reconnect with each other. See the Christmas lights being switched on in your town, dig out your old turntable and play some records one night, hand deliver Christmas cards in your community, make something together, or just have a long, juicy conversation.

Wishing you a calm Christmas and a happy New Year!
Beth Xx

PS Beth’s book Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year is out now. You can get a free digital 2021 planner with every copy ordered. Find out more and get yours here.

PPS REMINDER: There is still time to enter our festive design competition! Entries close midnight GMT on Thursday 19 November. See HERE for details and the chance to win a personalized signed copy of Beth’s book Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year AND a free place on the Make It In Design course­­­­­ of your choice!