Want to join the most supportive community in the world? Here’s how.


From our Co-Founder Rachael Taylor: “The short version… When I was an aspiring designer there was no industry help & so many people told me that being a creative wasn’t a viable career path. To this day I still get people saying things like “oh that’s nice” in a sympathetic voice when I say I’m a designer like it can only ever be a hobby & not pay the bills. In fact, I’ve paid my bills & then some!

Well, let me tell you something, everything, absolutely everything, has been designed by someone (sure sometimes in collaboration with others like engineers etc.) from your coffee cup to your car. Creativity is so important & in 2011 with the of lack of practical advice, technical tips & creative business training out there I was passionate enough to launch a platform offering what was missing & give creatives what they really needed. At Make it in Design we also have the coolest supportive community & team!

Right now our online Live Hub doors are open where you can learn from experts & renowned artists around the globe  & connect with your peers in a safe & encouraging environment.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned creative there’s something for everyone & our community is at the very core of what we do. From feeling lost & lonely, I now feel knowledgeable & supported as do the rest of our community. Just know that I’ve been there & I see you & if I can have creative success know that you can too! Don’t ever give up on your dreams.”


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