CREATIVE TIP OF THE WEEK: 10 things to do when freelance work is quiet


It’s never a great feeling when freelance work goes down to a trickle and less clients are getting in touch. However, there are many productive ways to fill that time until the work is rolling back in again. Here are 10 things to do:

  1. Check in with past clients. See if they have any new projects for you. Let them know your availability has just opened up so it’s a great time for you to work together again.
  2. Network. Chat with fellow creatives, past clients and reach out to new clients. The work won’t always come to you so sometimes you’ll need to hustle for it.
  3. Local business. Check in local newspapers, flyers and community boards for projects you could offer your services to.
  4. Take the time to get organised. All that admin you’ve been putting off? Yeah, now it’s a great time to get stuck in.
  5. Learn a new skill. Now is the time to finally learn that thing you’ve been wanting to learn. Plus new skills will only enhance your creative capabilities for new clients.
  6. Work on a personal project. There’s always that an idea we’ve just not had the time to work on, now is that time.
  7. Expand your income streams. From stock imagery to print on demand, in a digital age there are many more ways to have multiple income streams.
  8. Think about your USP. Really spending time to narrow down your unique selling point, market and audience will only help you in the long run.
  9. Expand your marketing. Only on one or two platforms? Think about expanding your reach to other platforms. TikTok and LinkedIn have had a huge boom in creative marketing.
  10. Find the joy in your creativity again. This is a great time to reassess and really think about what you enjoy about this work and fulfilling it can be.

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