CREATIVE TIP OF THE WEEK: How to use a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator

A clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator is a very useful tool for pattern designers and knowing the best ways to use one is a great skill to have in your creative toolbelt. In this tutorial we will show you three different ways to use it:




  1. Draw your shapes or use the geometric tool, here we are showing you a circle, a polygon and a star but these could also be hand-drawn or other motifs.
  2. Grab your pattern or motif and place it BEHIND the shape you want to clip into. Go to Object> Arrange in the top menu to rearrange them.
  3. Select both and go to Object> Clipping Mask> Make in the top menu.
  4. You now have a clipped shape!


  1. Fill your document with your pattern if you haven’t done so already.
  2. Draw a shape the size of the document, in this case a 300mm square.
  3. Select both your pattern and shape and go to Object> Clipping Mask> Make.
  4. Now you have clipped your pattern to the size of your file. This is a very useful tool for presentation sheets for showing to clients.


  1. Choose your font (we recommend something bold with thick letters).
  2. Select your lettering and go to Type> Create Outlines to turn your lettering into an object that can be manipulated.
  3. Ungroup your letters.
  4. Grab your motif or pattern and place it behind one of the letters.
  5. Select both the motif/pattern and the letter and go to Object> Clipping Mask> Make. You can also Control click to get the quick menu to make the clipping mask.
  6. Continue with each letter and hey presto you have lovely filled letters!

We encourage you to experiment and get creative with different ways to use a clipping mask. We’d love to see them! Tag @makeitindesign on all socials.

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