We need YOU! Sharing is caring!


If you are a part of the Make it in Design community and you have taken one of our many online courses, Summer or Winter schools, joined our free classroom or are a subscriber to the Live Hub we would love it if you could leave an honest review on our Facebook Review page and also on our Make It In Design Facebook page.


Share your Make It In Design experience with us and you could be in with a chance of winning a free seat on a Winter School track of your choice!

T H A N K Y O U  S O  M U C H!

WEB926002 B40A03AB 5160 B7E1 8CA2 71FFB74C9208 We need YOU! Sharing is caring!

We are so lucky!

We receive so many comments, posts and emails daily full of gratitude but most of these are sent privately. It would be wonderful for other creatives to understand your experience with us.

We are just about to celebrate our 9th year in business and many have kindly recommended our platform over the years which allows us to grow, keep improving, employ staff and support many creatives around the world along with helping many achieve their dreams.

Rachael and team Make it in Design xoxo

MIID REGISTER NOW 1700PX HR We need YOU! Sharing is caring!